
molting larva

molting larva

We planted this milkweed to encourage a natural habitat in our yard. We hoped to attract some monarchs next year for research. Imagine our excitement when we found 11! little babies crawling around. We our going to do our best to protect these lovelies. They are the super stars of their generation. Monarch caterpillars who hatch in late summer will be those that make the long journey to Mexico, over- winter there and return back next spring to start the cycle again. We are honored to have these little visitors. I was explaining to the children about protecting them and showing them some books when Lian exclaimed he "Will protect them from bad guys!' We talked about how humans are the ones that have made the Monarchs journey so difficult. How we need to protect their habitat. I wasn't sure that they really understood, but, it lays the groundwork, ya know. Then I hear " I'm a good person! I will keep them safe." All the other kids chimed in. So- I guess they get it.  Lots of good people accidentally make the world a less safe place, for monarchs, for bees, for fish and birds, for children. Being a steward for the next generation of living things takes a lot of thought. Getting these little people thinking about the small stuff makes it easier for them to notice the connections all around them- and how we are all in this together. Thank you Mama Monarch for choosing our milkweed. 



The summer is here, in our home, not just outside. This year as the cucumbers overflow, and something always needs water, as there seems to be nothing happening in the hot humid buzz but so much is going on, I notice that we are summer. Somewhere over the last year I moved from spring to summer myself. Early summer, but summer still. A time and place where so much is happening on its own, so much growing, blooming and buzzing- and my job is to hold it and notice it and tend the garden.