Compass-style Business Planning. What do you do when everything is always changing?

I don’t really know where to start with this conversation. So we will just start here. 

I have to spend my days doing something that brings income into my family. I have creatively figured out how to do that as a self employed person, while remaining true to myself and the life I want to lead, for almost 20 years. I am good at it. I’m phenomenal at what I do, and I’ve found a way to make a living doing that. Also, while in the midst of a business transition there was a global pandemic and I’ve had to change my business plan too many times to remember. Still here, creatively. I’ve offered programs that were essential and valuable while we navigated these trying times. I was able to do that because I was already studying what we needed with the foresight that these situations would arise. As people opened back up and returned to the world, and the government stopped being concerned about the economy - many of us who are self employed still haven’t returned to business as usual. 

Retreats are one of the most time efficient ways for me, and The Whole Health Center, and most spiritual teachers to make significant income. This is purely because that is what people are most comfortable signing up for ( we could teach you the same things for less cost to you and we try but not as many folks are interested). If not for COVID-19, I would have held probably 6 retreats in the last year and WHC at least that many. We were finally starting to breathe easy knowing that come fall we would be making full income again. But now, all of that is gone. I’ve had to cancel the first retreat and I cannot count on the others. 

I need to reinvent all over again. Some days I think “I’ll just do some other job” but almost every day I get a message about how something that came through my work changed someone’s life in a profound way- and it’s really hard to give up on that. If I knew I didn’t have something we needed- I most definitely would not ask you all to participate. 

I’m a great business person, I’m a great coach. I’m creative, and smart. Even before the pandemic I’ve had a lot of barriers, I’ve learned to identify them and work with them. I also have a lot of strengths. I’ve been running my own business and supporting The Whole Health Center with my children at home with me, and with non of our regular activities. I’m tired too. 

And- I think I found a way forward. 

In an effort to continue to support myself, my family, and continue my work- which i know is valuable, I have developed this plan. The plan to write the book that has been in development for years but I haven’t had the resources to make happen. However, with the possibility of no retreats for the foreseeable future, I have the time to work on the book. I will though, in order to give that time to this, need to know that my family is supported. If I receive 100 pre-orders before the date of the first canceled retreat ( September 16, 2021), I will write the book. I need to know we have readers before I can commit myself and my family to this project. 

This book will feature The Nurtured Life Recipes ( which folks regularly contact me about) and stories, interviews, and research around the importance of food for healing our relationship with ourselves, each other and Earth. Food is an essential element in all our lives, it is a universal need among all our differences. Because we all require food, our diet is an ideal structure for collective healing. Through small changes in our attention regarding diet, nutrition, and mealtime rituals we can sooth the places deep within ourselves and our culture that are craving deep and lasting nourishment. 

Pre-ordering this book is also a way to support me and show you value me, my work, and my efforts for our healing. I hope that even if you are not interested in recipes and food, you are interested in me. Without the success of this project, I may need to spend my days doing something that generates income for my family but does not utilize any of my strengths or gifts. This seems such a waste. Not only does this work I do bring me joy, but I know ( because people tell me) that it is good work that brings about healing and change. 

Ever wonder why you are encountering barriers to your somatic and cultural healing?

When we talk about somatic and sensory experiences we tend to focus on emotions. Emotions are valuable and need our attention. Yet, emotions are the result of deeper somatic and sensory experiences we are dismissing ( or just missing) because of how disengaged (severed) our consciousness has become from our bodies. It is this attention, articulation, awareness system where the severance is occurring. Your body is in constant connection with your inner and outer worlds. It is processing data/phenomenon constantly. Your body is processing in RESPONSE to stimuli inside and outside your body. The light. The wind, the smell of a baby, the taste of a strawberry, the texture of your clothes. Food ingested. The nervous systems of other people.

When we give attention to this response our mind begins to articulate (clarify) the sensory information. Usually, its not a formal statement, but a feeling. If we are curious or the experience is novel, or we are on a healing journey, we might formally articulate with language the experience our bodies are having. And, we don’t always need this formal articulation ( it takes too long to be functional for everyday life). However, we cannot have the full everyday articulation experience without the full sensory experience. If we are lacking attention/ability to feel phenomena with our bodies, we are lacking information and we cannot articulate that experience fully with our minds. This is dangerous. We won’t recognize fundamental differences in experiences or which stimuli requires action, we may misinterpret ourselves, others, and our environment. We will be unable to develop full awareness. With hampered sensory awareness we won’t be able to articulate ( clarify/feel) feelings; empathy and resulting compassion are less accessible. For ourselves, and therefore for others.

Awareness happens when stimuli is given attention and is articulated ( clarified) by the mind so that an understanding is reached within the spirit. Attention is given to the texture, smell, appearance of stimuli, the mind recognizes the phenomena and clarifies points about the data; awareness is developed: “This is a ripe strawberry”. When this happens, the chain links CONNECT. This gives our body another sensation, the sensation of knowing. The sensation of Truth. Our bodies gave us sensations from stimuli, and we processed it through the chain of articulation and awareness. In response to those connections our body experiences a sense of calm, contentment. “oh, good, they are aware it is a ripe strawberry”. ( singular presence)

When we do not live life with this attentive devotion to our sensory experience, our bodies act pretty concerned. They are processing stimuli and “no one” is articulating it into awareness. The chain remains open, the body remains seeking. Sometimes the body de-sensitizes to the stimuli. The senses become less attuned, unable to gather as much data from the environment inside or outside of ourselves. 

When we do live life with attentive devotion, little links are made each and every moment connecting our sensory experience to awareness. Each little closed link-system connects with others to inform us. Our bodies are relaxed even in the face of tragedy because “they” know “we” are aware, we understand. (Collective presence) All of these connected links and our relaxed mind/body/spirit state allow us to engage the world with trust and confidence. 
I have been observing this system for decades. I witness clients mending this system within themselves. 

As we start to recognize the severance we have within ourselves, with each other, Nature, and the divine- it is important to clarify your body isn’t telling you how you feel, your body is feeling. Your mind is telling you how you feel, when mind and body make the connections that match, awareness is developed. The body, mind, and spirit are at ease even in the face of challenges. When we feel dis-ease, that is the body asking we give our attention to stimuli.

What sensory data is my body experiencing, what needs clarification/articulation? 

This is all enlightenment is, an experience when all the little links are connected for a brief moment. This is psychic ability, or intuition. Anyone can give more attention to the stimuli and have greater awareness- greater wisdom. We just need to re-tune our sensors and let them feel fully again. It will take practice, but we can mend. The more attention you give your sensory experience, the more sensitive you become to sensory experiences. The more sensitive you become to your bodies response to stimuli, the more information your mind has to clarify each experience, the greater your opportunity for awareness. If we opened ourselves up to our full capacity to sense and respond, our world would look and be very different. 

Mending this attentive devotion system is fundamental to healing Earth or systems of oppression- because it is the disengagement of our attentive devotion which has allowed us to harm Earth and each other. 

Forgiveness: Cultivating a Culture of Peace and Reconciliation, Week 4 Initial reaction:


From UMAINE, PAX 591 Week 4:

Truth. Honesty. How can we have authenticity or connection without them? 

"Agree to disagree" usually means agree not to talk about whatever the conflict is anymore as a way of maintaining a sense peace and connection. We are often told to do this "if we love people."

But, do you know me if we cannot talk or share about what hurts? ME wants to know you and hold you even as we disagree. For me, the very greatest and most painful thing you can do is hold me away. TRY to disconnect. Silence is not peace. And it is not loving. 

"Connection is why we're here" and "shame is really easily understood as the fear of disconnection" ( Brown, 2010), but that fear is already realized when we hold ourselves away from each other. To be a vulnerable and authentic person in a culture of "agree to disagree" and hide the truth is excruciating. That is a really bad marketing strategy for my work. "PLEASE, come be authentic with me its gonna hurt like hell." However, it is required for our freedom, for our connection, for our ability to really Love, giving and receiving. 

Those of us living authentically are usually the scapegoats, we are where people "discharge pain and discomfort" ( Brown, 2010). If you watch, look around your family and friends and all of our culture- you will find that we generally ask the person/group who is not actually the problem to change. It is scary to go talk to the problematic person/entity, the person who will yell loudly or cut you with their words ( or hands). So instead we go to the "nice person" as Oprah describes ( Brown, 2016). We go to the person we know will be willing to bend for us, and we tell them they are "the problem" and they should improve themselves if they want to be connected to us. We collectively ( as a country and a culture) tell the person we've identified as "a problem" ( DuBois, 1903) to become less of a problem ( for us) by becoming less like themselves, less courageous, and able to tell "story of who [they]are with [their] whole heart" ( Brown, 2010). But, really, the whole reason "they" are considered a problem is that dominant culture doesn't want to be authentic and get messy and be real and honest. The fear of being disconnected is already fulfilled, as soon as you cease to be vulnerable. 

'Dr. Brown, we loved your TED talk. We'd like you to come in and speak. We'd appreciate it if you wouldn't mention vulnerability or shame.'

'What would you like for me to talk about?'

There's three big answers. This is mostly, to be honest with you, from the business sector: innovation, creativity and change. (Brown, 2012)

You cannot have innovation, creativity, and change without vulnerability because they require activity in the prefrontal cortex and anyone fearful of being seen will be living with their Sympathetic Nervous System in near-constant activation, unable to access the greatest capacity of their brain.

"Social Justice Folks, we loved your xxx talk. We'd like you to come in and speak. We'd appreciate it if you wouldn't mention TRUTH or ACCOUNTABILITY.'

'What would you like for me to talk about?'

' Love and Unity'

But Truth and Accountability are synonyms for Love and Unity. What is really being asked is for acceptance. Dominant Culture wants acceptance from all the subcultures courageous enough to have withstood this severing of themselves. That acceptance is enabling, and it comes at a cost too high for individuals or humanity to pay. 

This shame and fear of vulnerability, if we unravel it instead, and let everyone out to see their radiant selves- then we can we have Love and Unity. It is not healing to accept anything less than Truth and Accountability. The people who are "the problem" are the solution, in almost every setting. Certainly when it comes to social justice, Black and Indigenous people have the longest and most detailed experience of knowing what is wrong and where we as a country need to change. We should listen to them. To be capable of really, really listening, people have to have the "compassion to be kind to themselves first and then to others, because, as it turns out, we can't practice compassion with other people if we can't treat ourselves kindly" ( Brown, 2012). 

"If you put shame in a Petri dish, it needs three things to grow exponentially: secrecy, silence, and judgment. If you put the same amount in a Petri dish and douse it with empathy, it can't survive" ( Brown, 2012). 

Consider the last time someone offered to help you. 

What reaction occurred in your body and mind? What did you feel in your body? What self-talk did you hear? Were you able to accept? How did accepting help feel?


Brown, B. (2010). The power of vulnerability. Retrieved from

Brown, B. (2012).Listening to shame. Retrieved from

Brown, B. (2016). Living brave with Brené Brown and Oprah Winfrey.

DuBois, W.E.B. ( 1903). The souls of Black folk [PDF]. Retrieved from

How to align with the Wheel of the Year for Resolutions & Stages of Change

Resolutions, stages of change-5.png

This time of year elicits reflection and dreaming. Some folks say that is arbitrary, a reaction to our imposed calendar year end. However, the end of our calendar year also aligns with the seasonal shifts. In the Northern Hemisphere, the ending of the calendar year coincides with the start of Winter and the end of the celebratory post-harvest season. This is a time of quiet and reflection. As one Earth cycle comes to an end, there is a natural pause which allows us space feel and think.

New Years resolutions are notorious for bold beginnings and fizzled endings, often leaving one with a sense of failure. It is not the resolution which was inappropriate but our method of execution. Big changes require careful attention, not will power.

When we are successful in making changes in our lives we complete a full cycle of the spiral of change.

The stages of change are:

Pre-contemplation: Haven’t thought about it, do not know that change is needed or wanted

Contemplation: Recognize a change is needed or wanted

Preparation: Organizing body, heart, mind, environment, and spirit in support of change

Action: Taking tangible steps towards new behaviors, actions, or ways of being

Maintenance: Learning to sustain these new behaviors, actions, or ways of being

Relapse: Re-emergence of old behaviors, actions, or ways of being

All of these stages can happen at any time of year, and we can use the natural rhythms of life on Earth to support those changes we want to see in for ourselves and our world.

At New Year, or during Early Winter, we want to be gently observing the past year cycle and creating a vision of what we want to manifest in the year ahead. It is not the time for swooping changes or bold action- it is a time of observance. It is a time for accepting what is possible. ( Contemplation)

Late Winter and Early Spring are times for planning. We choose the seeds of change we want to plant and decided which need to be planted where, which will have barriers and what kind of supports our future garden will need. (Planning)

Late Spring and Early Summer are a time of action. Those seeds are starting to sprout and need constant attention and nourishment. ( Action)

In Late Summer and Autumn, we see the effects of our dedication and the manifestation of our dreams/plans. Now we will need to learn new skills in order to engage the benefits from all we have harvested. How will be preserve and persevere? Making changes is followed by learning to live sustainably with our new actions, behaviors, and way of being. ( Maintenance)

Relapse can happen anywhere along the way, and planning for relapse will help us minimize the impact on our forward direction. Change is a spiral, a cycle, just like the Wheel of the Year- when we embrace them they can help us create the world in which we want to live.