Propensity for Peace


We can argue all the -isms and philosophies but we forget those are all designed to control each other. Any system designed with the foundation of distrust will lead to corruption and require us to re-design the system. Which then we do with even more structures to control for disorder. The issue here being that wellness cannot grow from distrust. As we assess how our current systems need adjustment, let’s remember that it’s our deep inner systems that have created these systemic issues. We are still carrying the response of trauma from thousands of years ago- we act out those traumas through our biases and cultural conditioning to fear ourselves and each other. We pass them to our children. I don’t want us to waste anymore precious existence. Instead of controlling for issues of disorder, what if we built our systems around positive regard? 

What if when we were scared we asked what was needed to soothe the feeling rather than what we needed to feel protected from feeling it? 

Most people think this is all crazy talk, but what do we call the talk we’ve been talking? There is precedent for cultures led by love rather than fear. We are tethered to each other in love, that is why we keep arguing. That is why we keep trying. It’s just past time to bravely try differently.