Writing . . .

I’m writing you to say . . . I’m writing. I am writing a lot. I am writing for school. For SOUNDheart, in my journals, in my head. I am writing letters. I am writing requests. So much written communication. And in all that writing I find less time and energy to write for social media or send out emails to my mailing list. I miss the opportunity to send out invitations, or share news.

I am not one to change without contemplation, or to act without reason- so I’ve been thinking about this. Why do I write? Why do I share it? Who is it for?

I write because I must. Call it a gift or a disorder, but writing is a form of articulation and communication and if I do not do it, I have a backup in my brain and body. Writing lets me “info dump” in a soothing way. And once I’ve organized and shared my thoughts in writing, my brain and body and heart are more free to be present. When I do not write I am often distracted by the whirling amount of connections being made in my head. Once written down, my body calms down, and my brain too.

I share my writing because I like sharing. I love connection. And over the years I’ve received feedback that the writing I share has been helpful to others. I also love being helpful. It’s part of who I am. So writing is sharing who I am, sharing myself.

Who is it for? It’s for all of us. I identify most with writers who wrote for the future. The ones we pick up now who wrote words decades ago for us to find when we needed them today. And, I know how valuable a security words can be. Words and writing can be a comfort and direction as we move into an unknown future. I write and share for those of us who are looking to find our way to a more peaceful future, me and you.

All this contemplation has led me to decide on a new practice. I’m going to be sharing my writing about all things (food, collective wellbeing, integrative wellness and Love) here in my journal again. I think that one of the barriers to sharing those invitations and emails and even social media shares is that it’s just too cumbersome to “post” to so many places after all the writing is done. I’m going to share here because it’s accessible to me. And it’s more accessible to forward and share from here as well. Anyone can find my words easily, and I can send out a journal post as an email or link. I won’t share all journal posts to email, but every now and then - at least once a month, I will. Because connection. Sharing is a bid for connection, and connection is something we all desperately need. It’s so human of us.